Recently, Fritz loves this Cbeebies programme, In the Night Garden. Every night he always asks to stay with Opa in his room to see it. During this series, I always go upstairs to feed his dinner and he munches his meal a lot.
The characters:
Igglepiggle Song:
Yes - my name is Igglepiggle,
Igglepiggle, niggle, wiggle, diggle!
Yes - my name is Igglepiggle,
Igglepiggle, wiggle, niggle, woo!

Upsydaisy Song:
Upsy Daisy here I come,
I'm the only Upsy one!
I'm the only Daisy too,
Ipsy, Upsy, Daisy Doo
Unn's clothes are red and green. Ooo's clothes are brown and pink and Eee's clothes are pink and yellow.
Tombliboo Song:
Ombliboo Tombliboo
Knock on the door,
Ombliboo Tombliboo
Sit on the floor,
Ombliboo Tombliboo
Here is my nose,
Ombliboo Tombliboo
That's how it goes!
Makka Pakka Song:
Makka Pakka,
Akka Wakka,
Mikka Makka moo!
Makka Pakka,
Appa yakka,
Ikka akka, ooo
Hum dum,
Agga pang,
Ing, ang, ooo
Makka Pakka,
Akka wakka,
Mikka Makka moo.
Hum dum,
Agga pang,
Ing, ang, ooo
Makka Pakka,
Akka wakka,
Mikka Makka moo.
The rest of characters can see here...
The opening song
The night is black,
And the stars are bright,
And the sea is dark and deep
And someone I know is safe
And snug, and they're drifting
Off to sleep
Round and round, a little boat no bigger
Than you're hand, out on the ocean, far away from land.
Take the little sail down,
Light the little light.
This is the way to the
Garden of the night
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