Wow! 2013 is almost over. I really had lots of stories left behind. I really learnt lots this year. Thanks God for every moment You gave to me. It's so precious!
The new month came with massive flood in Jakarta. Thankfully my parents house wasn't surrounding with flood like few years before. However, we're stuck for 4 days with lack of water. LOL. A few days after the massive flood, we had family dinner at Angke Restaurant with Ali's big family. Iie and Ichong came from Hongkong. Then we attended one of Ali's best friend in his gank from high school, Rendra and Suta's wedding. Fritz also had an invitation from Raphael. He celebrated his 4th birthday at Bakmi Gajah Mada, Kelapa Gading. This January was full with gathering! ^_^
Another birthday party for Fritz this month. Dian and Alex invited us to come to their first daughter, Keyla's 5th birthday party at Burger King, Mall Kelapa Gading. Ali wasn't coming at that time because he had to work with Peggy. So, it's just me and Fritz only. We also celebrated Chinese New Year. It's officially Snake year. Ugh, how I hate snake! Hoping this year gonna be so great. {yeah, it's a great year!!}. This month, we decided to join with CU Bererod Gratia for our better life in coming days. We put hopes here. Whoaaah!! It's my very first time buying a book, online, and from UK. The book finally came after I had to wait for almost 3 weeks. It's a long-long-long time for me. LOL. We also had project for Fritz's learning, taking care of caterpillar as our new pet. It's really cool seeing the metamorphosis of butterfly. What a great month!
We celebrated my parents' birthday at Taman Sampan Rumah Kayu at Summarecon Serpong. Then, we had another birthday party this month. This time was Quinne's 2nd birthday at Tjap Toean, Citywalk. I loved the farm theme they held. Fritz was so enjoying himself at the party. He sang Twinkle Twinkle Lil Star in front of people bravely. So proud of him! A day before Fritz's birthday, we joined with Komunitas Sahabat to Sanggar Ciliwung. Fritz could join and play with all of them very nice. Love it! The next day, it's time for celebrating my precious 4th birthday boy. I made Angry Bird cake as he requested. We celebrated with a bucket of chicken from KFC. How happy he was! We're still hoping to have a house. Pray the best for us. We had gorgeous Easter this year with family and friends. Last day in March, we went to Lee Family's House with complete formation from Ali's maternal family and we had early dinner together at Jun Jan Restaurant. Last moment with Popo. The very last thing I did was arranging Fritz's curriculum as he's Kindergarten now.
In the middle of the month, one of my adorable friend, Ines Puspita, asked us to join with the exhibition and art works about Compost Art in JCC. It's an honor for me could join with her. So blessed having such a friend like her. This month was really great time for my family especially for my mom as she got a new job again. Though it means nobody could take care of Fritz again during I work, I was so happy with this change from my mom. April is my month, my birthday and this year I was going to 30. OMG! I didn't ready to say goodbye to my 20s. I was glad we could go to the cinema again after years and our movie was Ironman 3. Tony Stark was really a man of the year!
Yeaaah, I had a new smart phone this month that I dreamed for months. *grin* I and Ali were being offered by one of my friend who had a Wedding Organizer to help her as freelancers. Of course we accepted. We're going back to work again as WO's freelancers. Love this job so much! However, it's ended not really nice in the end. As we had public holiday this month, we decided to go to Kebon Raya Bogor for our outdoor activity. How I loved this leisure trip. Escaping from routines for a day. ^_^
After months, Mom on March finally had a meeting again in Yulis's house for visiting her new baby born. Long time no see these cool moms. Really had nice talks with these moms and a table full of food in front of us. LOL. Then, it's gonna be my back to had a good relationship again with my high school friends that I left for almost 2 years for some reasons. The moment was in Peter and Merlin's wedding party. And yes, I missed them so much and the rest of my friends from high school. What a small reunion! Happy wedding my friend. June was really a coming back month. My other coming back moment was teaching preschool kids in holiday program that was offered by one of my senior in high school. Though the first day was so terrible, I was really thankful for the opportunity I had. This month we had our own field trip to Ancol. It's cheap and worth it. Ali's grandma was getting weak in few months because of her diabetic. Her sister who lives in Hongkong came to see her, maybe it's gonna be her last meeting with her sister. Hope the best for Popo!
Miracles came during my holiday class program. I started my online shop this month selling kids clothes. I was really so thankful to a friend of mine named Gaby. She's such an angel for me. She helped me lots in everything. She convinced me to do Novena and I did it. After years I believe in Novena because of her. Sad news came from Popo. She had to left us forever this month, 10 days after her birthday {7th July}. Rest in peace, Popo. Missing you badly!
Not too much we did this month. We had field trip for a day to Puncak. Nice trip as we went back home in the middle of the night. LOL. We also had fun with Komunitas Sahabat. We were going to Ragunan Zoo with Roemah Hati. Fritz loved to go with them.
Just like an answer from God, this month we're officially having a house. Yeah!! Thanks to Him for the blessing for us. I had a small present from my students. How I do love working with kids. Thanks for the homemade grass jelly, guys! I've endlessly said thankful for what He did to us this year. He blessed every business we did this year, my online shop {Toko Allella} and Nano Spray from MCI. Big thanks to You! Another field trip to Ancol but this time we attended Kalbe Children Science Fair.
Nice trip for us this month. We went to Monas to see the Army's tool. Fritz was so excited to see the helicopter. What a great experiment for us. This month we had Eid-al-Dha holiday and we decided to go to Warso Farm in Sukabumi and Pasar Ah Poong after that. In the middle of week, we had to assign the legal for our house and it's officially ours. Hope everything will go smoothly! The end of the week, we attended our friends from Pastoran Atma Jaya who had 7 years relationship and finally they got married, Vivi and Gusti. Happy for you, guys!
Finally, the wedding party invitation was over! We had attended 8 wedding party in a row this year. Gosh! It was so tiring weeks. The Compost Art was calling me to join with Ines for RCTI. Yup! We're on TV. So happy to be a part of this, really!! It's really a lovely month in a year. We're going to Bali!!! 5 years ago it's just me and Ali were in Bali. Now we have Fritz joining with us. We chose Bali to celebrate our 6th wedding anniversary. Thanks to my best friend for the staying. This month was ended by celebrating Ali's 35th birthday. Just a simple party for him. Besides, I was quite surprised that my angel from God was also celebrating her birthday but she's alone. We gave her a surprise by sending her noodles. Happy birthday! ^_^
First day for Ali going to work. Thanks for Gabag Indonesia for accepting him to work as a part timer in their place. It's really helpful though it means Ali were be very busy and not having much time again for us. In the middle of the week, both of us were having job as freelancers in Magnus Wedding Organizer. My favorite job ever! Thanks for the opportunity, Ernie. The holiday class program was held again this month though it's only running for 6 times. Then I had my last week's holiday in 2013 just stayed at our apartment, enjoying our free life for a moment. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!
Thanks for the blessing year, God. It was an amazing year! Hope everything will be great through next coming year. Please always beside us, Lord. I put everything in You. God bless us!
Tuesday, December 31, 2013
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