Massive Flood around Jakarta - Lievell

Sunday, January 20, 2013

Massive Flood around Jakarta

Jakarta had a massive flood this year!

It's early in the morning that Ali had woken me up. He said that some parts in Jakarta was having flood and he was confusing to find the way to reach his passengers' offices. I said to him to see the TV and read Twitter to get the information. We're also tidying up our some stuffs in case suddenly we're going to have flood too. Remembering our 5 years ago we had flood around our neighborhood.

Few minutes after that, he said he still wanted to pick them up and tried to find the way. I told him to not going as Jakarta was having flood. I was afraid if he couldn't get back home soon when I needed him.
Time was moving so slowly when I turned on TV and watched that Bunderan HI was already surrounding by water.

It's really shocked to know it and Jakarta was in Alert 1. Some news from here: The Jakarta Globe, Huffington Post, and Jakarta OkeZone.

Ali was stuck! He was moving around but still he couldn't get out from Taman Palem and Citra. So finally he decided to drive them home and put his car on his uncle's house. Then he borrowed his uncle's bike riding home to Kosambi.

He looked so funny when he reached home. He's wearing a helmet for motorcycle. Some of kids (Junior high students) were joking him while he's riding. LOL.

So for 4 days we're stuck at home. Thankfully, we didn't have any flood around our neighborhood. However it's so unlucky we didn't have any water supply for 2 days. :(

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