11.11 - Lievell

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

10:49 PM

Papa's Birthday Blast

Papa's Birthday Blast
Papa Ali had celebrated his birthday...

Actually there's nothing special in his b'day. We're just having a simple meal for 3 of us in our apartment and bought a special price cheese cake in Clairemont.

In the morning, I asked Fritz to say a happy birthday for his Pop...and he's a little bit shy when saying it.

And here's the simple menu....it's cooked by the birthday man....^^ (the noodle)

Then, we bought the cheese cake near our apartment. The cake was so nice and yummy.....

My prayer for him...my beloved man ever....

"May He always bless you in every single path you walk, step you make and decision you have. Also praying lots of healthy for you, so you can always take care of us. Successful and wealthiness hopefully are around you. Many happy returns for you....God bless you, my man..."

Monday, November 21, 2011

12:12 AM

Nursery : Spider Week

Nursery : Spider Week
Fritz is currently 31 months 3 weeks

This week, we extended the letter S theme by learning Spider. I took the material from 2 Teaching Mommies. It's really a nice blog where we could grab some free printables from it.

Day 1
We started our Spider week by finding a different object in each row. He asked Oma to sit still beside him during his learning. He wanted to show off to his Oma. ^^ Of course Oma amazed with his ability. He could find every different object correctly.

Then, we continued to make puzzle. It's a piece of cake for him. He had to arrange the number below into the correct number. Again, he could make it easily and proudly showed to Oma and Opa. ^^

Love...love...love tracing.....he pretended that he's a spider who wanted to get home by up-down way and zigzag way....hihihihi.....^^

Day 2
I think he loves tracing now. He's always so enthusiast grasping his little finger to make some lines. When I gave him this maze, absolutely he wanna do it. He got his black crayon and made it very nice. Then he showed proudly to Oma and Opa after that.

He's bored with this kind of puzzle. He's not really into when I gave him this activity. He took few more time doing it before finally he made it.

It's totally different when doing it. As it's a brand new thing for him, matching the letter puzzle, he's willing to make it.

Day 3
I gave him another letter puzzle the next day. It's the lower case one. Hmmmm....I think he's bored with the picture as all the puzzle using the same pic. Hihihiihihi.....^^

Sorting the spider into Small-Medium-Big. He took some time making it as I told before, he got boring with the pictures. Hehehehee......


Actually this activity has been made a week ago but I didn't have time to print it out. So, I was just able on this week.

Here's the S objects related: Star, Stool, School, Stop, Sun, Sofa, Scooter, Sausage, Ship and Sandal.


Making spider using the pipe cleaner. We just needed 2 pipe cleaners that we cut into 3 parts each and we used the silver and blue. I knew it's not matching at all....hahahhaa......I made 6 holes using the hole punchers and let Fritz putting inside the pipe cleaner. "It's spider, Mama!!" ^^

He's very so into with Stars. So, when he saw it, he was so enthusiast pasting the stars and also he's singing Twinkle Twinkle Little Star with his own tune and words.....^^

I think, it's not really looking like a Seahorse, huh?? It looked like a swan or even a snake....hehehhee......

Fritz even didn't recognize what it was about. He also didn't so enthusiast as he did the Star's craft. And of course, I helped too much during making this seahorse.

Poor Seahorse......-__-


Fritz isn't quite healthy this week as he's having measles around the week. However, he's very enthusiast when I asked to make his own breakfast using this Mickey Mouse tool for bread. He put the cutter onto the bread. Then, Mama helped him by baking the bread on the pan. Very easy and simple.....he asked more and more the next day....^^

Practical Life

One morning in our apartment, Fritz and Mom weren't so healthy that day. Papa decided to cook for us. Suddenly, Fritz wanna help him preparing the dish. He helped Papa weeding the kangkung before he cooked it. It's very nice seeing Papa and Fritz working together.....while Mama was busy taking this best moment...^^


Papa got his quality time with Fritz by playing Thomas puzzles. Actually, both were busy to tidy up the puzzle that Fritz has played in the afternoon and he hasn't tidied up yet. For me, both were having their quality time as Papa always goes home late after working.

His ability in taking pictures using my camera is improving. Now, he's able to focus on one object though it's still blurred. Hahahaha....This was the one that was very nice though some of my friends said the model was horrible and scary......;'"((

Free drawing of Fritz....

Though he ever showed his drawings before but this time he could draw very nice. He said he drew the car with eyes and wheels and also the hair when I asked him what it was. He's completely following his Cars imagination as he LOVES it so much.


On Saturday, Papa wanted to change his car's oil. So we went to his favorite car workshop to change his car's oil. Fritz was so excited to see the man worked on Papa's car and insisted Papa to carry him. Though it just took a few minutes, it really meant a lot for Fritz. He learnt that car also needed to "pee" and "drink" too...^^

Saturday, November 19, 2011

12:19 AM

Celebrating the anniversary

Celebrating the anniversary
Last weekend, we celebrated our 4th wedding anniversary in one of steak restaurant named Wagyu Steak at Tanjung Duren. We went there after I finished with my private class students.

We bought a voucher from one site which sells many cheaper voucher for the customers. Ali bought it from Disdus.com few weeks ago. It told that we could get 2 set of wagyu steak and a free flow lemon tea with 55,000 rupiah only. It's very cheap, huh!! ^^

So, here we were enjoying our lunch together celebrating our wed anniv. The food was quite yummy for our tummy at that moment, we're hungry so much...^^ But the venue wasn't really nice. It's too hot as they have a big window facing outside the road. Then, they don't have any baby chair. So, during our meal time, I had to put Fritz with me in my lap.

However, we're really enjoying our precious time, just 3 of us.....

Thanks for my beloved hubby who always shimmer his love unconditionally. He said, love doesn't need any words to say, just actions only....However, sometimes woman needs it, man!! ^^

Thursday, November 17, 2011

12:48 AM

Happy 4th Anniversary....

Happy 4th Anniversary....

4 years
we're together in our marriage.
There's lots of tears and joy,
laugh and fight,
happy and sad
following our way.
May He always still bless us
through coming years.

love you....

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

12:47 AM


Fritz's got measles since Saturday. He's being quarantine during this week at home without got any permission to get out even an inch from the front door. ^^

I didn't get any idea where he got this kind of virus. That I could remember, it's when I went out with him on last Friday. I asked Fritz to ride his bike around Opa's neighborhood in the morning. On our way, we found a street sweeper. We passed that woman twice. Was it??

On Saturday, after we went home from my private tutorial classes, Oma had taken him bath. Then she asked me what's happen with his body. Lots of red patches around his body esp in his tummy, chest and back. I thought it's because he's not feeling well. I just prayed that's nothing gonna happen with him while I was in not good condition too.

We went back to our apartment that night and I still put those thing in my mind. I always hoped there's nothing bad happen....

And the next day, in the morning, I found there were few small bumps around his back of his head. It's really made me so scared and forwardly I asked one of Ali's friend, Dr Yossy and one of Ali's cousin, Dr Lisa. Both of them said it might be a symptom of measles. They asked me to go to the doctor tomorrow to check it again.

The red patches were getting a lot around his hands and legs but he's still healthy. He still played, ate and acted like usual. There's really nothing any change with him. He's still cheerful.

However, when it's time to sleep at night, his bumps in his back of his head were getting a lot. There were 2 in each back of the ear and now it's getting 5 in each back of his ear. So, without any hesitation, we went to Dr Yossy's house that night. We decided to go back to Opa's house considering Dr Yossy's house near Opa's.

I was totally scared with his condition. Ali was in a rush while driving his car and I couldn't stop praying for Fritz. I knew it's too over but it's fact. I really really scared.....

Thankfully, it's only measles but I still need to watch over his little bumps if those weren't getting small day by day.

So, during a week, he had to stay at home...means couldn't get out from the door. Of course he's complaining a lot as he's a busy body person who always wanna follow if there's someone in front of the gate.

Monday, November 14, 2011

8:17 PM

Nursery : Letter Ss

Nursery : Letter Ss
Fritz is currently 31st months 2 week

S for Star...he knows the letter as well he knows the objects.

He's getting use to with dough now. When I got it out, he asked me to roll for him and gave to him to be poked as letter S. He repeated again and again the sound of letter S - shhh...shhh...shhh....^^

Tracing Letter
Tracing letter is also a big HIT for him. He made the letter by himself. He's really trying his best to follow the line into letter S...Good job, boy!!

Tracing Line
He's still great at this!!

Coloring Objects
Coloring isn't his fave! He really doesn't like coloring at all. If he could choose, he prefers tracing the lines to coloring. Look at his coloring, it's still messy. Hahahahha.....

Matching Shadow
Another activities he likes, matching the pic into its shadow. He loves to make it....^^


Counting the stars and match to the numbers. It's too easy for him....hahahhahaa.....soooo snob mom!! ^O*


Loves...loves...loves Sugar and Salt so much....

Every time, Mom's cooking something, he must be asking for tasting Sugar and Salt.

As we still learn about letter S, it's nice to get some pictures of him tasting both of these things.

Sugar is sweet and Salt is salty....nyum....nyum......^^


Playing Soccer!!

He's still learning how to play with it as he's a fine-motor-skill boy. He gets a little difficulty in kicking the ball.

I asked him to kick the ball into the under of the chair. He tried again and again then he's frustrated and chose to roll the ball into it.....Hahahahhaha......clever boy.....

However, he did it in the end and successfully kicked it......after few times trying...^^

He is cycling now!!!!!

I'm so happy to see him can cycle his bike after take few time teach him. Yaaaayyyy!!!

He's proudly cycling around the house and said "Fritz is a good boy ya, Mama??" Hahahahhhaa......Yes, you are!!!!!


That morning, we went to the traditional market near Opa's house to buy Strawberry. We're going to make Strawberry Milkshake. He's so excited to make it as usual. ^^

- Strawberry
- UHT Milk
- Vanilla ice cream
- ice cubes

Just put all the ingredients together into blender and let it mixed up. But I think it's not really sweet enough for an adult, we can put some sugar into it.


He's willing to trace the Square that he knows very well. Though it's not too nice, he's really trying his best to trace it....Good job, boy!!

Then we continued to trace the Star. He got a little bit hard to trace the star by himself, so he asked me to hold his hands.

We're making number 7. Though he's not ready yet to learn number 7, he's able to do it well. He traced the numbers and did lots of counting objects. He's great!! ^^

We learnt about the concept of SHORT and LONG. He had to get the concept before he checked the work and so far he did well. He worked nicely on it. ^^

Practical Life

He's getting smart using SCISSORS. He can use two hands, one for holding the paper and scissors in another hand. He's so seriously cutting the origami paper. I use origami because it's quite thick for him to cut rather than paper.

Another Practical Life we did for this week, using Sieve...

I gave him my sieve and little flour to him to let him explore with it. He didn't too enthusiast playing with it. He just excited in the 5 minutes first, then he's busy to taste this flour....oooohhhhh......

And in the end, here's the result....

7:00 PM

Let me free.....

Let me free.....
I'm trying very hard not to:

Say words with my mouth to say what I wanna say...

Listen carefully with my ear to hear they talk...

Open widely my eyes to see they do...

Just try to be a DEAF, BLIND and MUTE person in this place.....

What they do, what they say, what they act are not my own business anymore...that's what u want, huh!!

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

9:16 PM

Nursery : Pumpkin Theme

Nursery : Pumpkin Theme
Fritz is currently 31st months 1 week

Pumpkin Theme
As we didn't celebrate any Halloween in our tradition, so I just prepared Pumpkin Theme for this week. Fritz was so excited with these new things and he was totally enthusiast with what we did during this week.

Day 1
We started the day by introducing the letter to him.

poke the dough

He's able to recognize the letter P and the Pumpkin itself. "It's pumpkin, Mama!"

He could trace the letter with less help from me. He tried to do it by himself. It looked nice!! ^^

Introducing letter J for Jack-O- Lantern. He also knows this letter. {so proud for him}

Again, he showed that he's now able to trace the letter with less help from me. Good job, boy!!

It's really amazed me that he's getting great. When I asked him which one the different pumpkins from the row was, he could point it and circle it correctly.

He thrilled with it. He traced it very nice, however he asked me to help him in the wavy lines in the the 3rd paper. ^^

Day 2
He sorted between the Jack-O-Lanterns and Pumpkin. So far, he could do it.

It's a BIG hit for him. He was so into in this puzzle. He managed all by himself as he knows the numbers exactly.

He didn't get the Graph concept. He's so excited in throwing the dice :P Again....again.....and again he threw the dice and didn't stamp the graph....hahahahhaha......

Day 3
He still didn't get the concept but he could paste the picture by looking the pictures in its row. He almost chose the correct picture before applied it in the paper.

Again....he extremely loved this puzzle. As there's a number in the template, so it's very easier for him to paste this puzzle. He learned to recognize the number after 10.

He made it successfully even he chose to paste all the small pumpkins first the he continued medium to big. He proudly posed for me. ^^

Day 4
He has to clip the correct number using the peg. He made it nicely first, he counted the objects and took the peg and clipped it. Done for 2-3 cards. And....he purposely took the peg and clipped the cards before he counted though he knew that he's wrong. He did again and again as I always said "tetot" sound for his wrongdoings. As I sounded that as more he did it wrong. -__-"

He continued with puzzles. For the 1st puzzle it's easier for him as it's only from 1 to 10 but it's getting hard for him when he did the 11-20 puzzle. He couldn't be able to do it.

Day 5
In the 5th day, we just made a little Jack-O-Lantern. I asked Fritz to paste our little pumpkin that we'd bought before at Bandung with eyes and mouth printable.


He continued with this activity. He learnt the letter and matching the shadow too. It's very an exciting way to learn Alphabet.

I've bought this sticker book a year ago, I thought, when one of big book store gave big discount for every book they sold. Then, I've never showed it to Fritz. I always bring it inside his purple box every time we're going home.

That morning, he saw the sticker numbers and so excited to make it. I was so surprised as amazed with his ability in counting the objects.

Role Play

Recently, he loved to play with his cars toys and sometimes he played it as same as he's seen in the movie. Sometimes he used his imaginary and acted as he's seen in the scene. For example when Mater saw McQueen's back from the rally in Cars 2.

And this was when I was being asked to come to see. Of course, I took my camera in a rush and he posed for me. ^^

Learning Toys

He pretends as a chef who could cut the vegie using knife. Hahahahaha......look at his small hands. So cute!!!


He saw my picture (college pics) in the table near our bed and he could find me in that picture. Then, I gave him another pics from my college and I asked him again to find me among my friends. He again could find me.

I've an idea. I gave him my life cycle pics that I put in an album. It's from baby to work period of my life. When he saw a baby, he said that it's him. He said again and again to my toddler pics that it's totally look alike with him. He claimed my toddler pics were him. It's so amazed to know that my face was alike with him.....God's creation!! ^^


Wow....he wanna slide (again) now.....

There's one time, he refused to slide as he's got a little trauma when he slide. It happened when we played at Giggles.

It really took time for him to get his confidence to slide again. And yesterday I saw him sliding again without any doubt. He went up and slide. He proudly showed it to me!!

He met new friend and she's a girl. Both of them were enjoying playing together. They went up and slide down together. It looked so nice seeing him could make a friend with other.

After that, I took a challenge to bring him to the big indoor playland, still inside Ace Hardware. They provide a big space for kiddos to play with slide and many challenging toys.

I didn't take any pictures there as I was busy to watch him over. He's a little bit not confident there and few times he got "stuck" with others. I still encouraged him to be braver and wanna take a challenge there though in the end he cried loudly as his forehead bumped because of a little accident by a baby boy. Hahahahha...that's life, boy....^^

On Sunday, we had guests in our little Apartment. They're Om Donald, Tante Davi and Rafael, his bestie. However, Fritz was not in his mood as he's sleepy already when they came. He couldn't share his toys with Rafael (Ace) and so many times he's cranky. I think Ace got frustrated with Fritz then he hit Fritz in his face as Fritz always cried and cried. Hahahaha......