Nursery : Letter Ss - Lievell

Monday, November 14, 2011

Nursery : Letter Ss

Fritz is currently 31st months 2 week

S for Star...he knows the letter as well he knows the objects.

He's getting use to with dough now. When I got it out, he asked me to roll for him and gave to him to be poked as letter S. He repeated again and again the sound of letter S - shhh...shhh...shhh....^^

Tracing Letter
Tracing letter is also a big HIT for him. He made the letter by himself. He's really trying his best to follow the line into letter S...Good job, boy!!

Tracing Line
He's still great at this!!

Coloring Objects
Coloring isn't his fave! He really doesn't like coloring at all. If he could choose, he prefers tracing the lines to coloring. Look at his coloring, it's still messy. Hahahahha.....

Matching Shadow
Another activities he likes, matching the pic into its shadow. He loves to make it....^^


Counting the stars and match to the numbers. It's too easy for him....hahahhahaa.....soooo snob mom!! ^O*


Loves...loves...loves Sugar and Salt so much....

Every time, Mom's cooking something, he must be asking for tasting Sugar and Salt.

As we still learn about letter S, it's nice to get some pictures of him tasting both of these things.

Sugar is sweet and Salt is salty....nyum....nyum......^^


Playing Soccer!!

He's still learning how to play with it as he's a fine-motor-skill boy. He gets a little difficulty in kicking the ball.

I asked him to kick the ball into the under of the chair. He tried again and again then he's frustrated and chose to roll the ball into it.....Hahahahhaha......clever boy.....

However, he did it in the end and successfully kicked it......after few times trying...^^

He is cycling now!!!!!

I'm so happy to see him can cycle his bike after take few time teach him. Yaaaayyyy!!!

He's proudly cycling around the house and said "Fritz is a good boy ya, Mama??" Hahahahhhaa......Yes, you are!!!!!


That morning, we went to the traditional market near Opa's house to buy Strawberry. We're going to make Strawberry Milkshake. He's so excited to make it as usual. ^^

- Strawberry
- UHT Milk
- Vanilla ice cream
- ice cubes

Just put all the ingredients together into blender and let it mixed up. But I think it's not really sweet enough for an adult, we can put some sugar into it.


He's willing to trace the Square that he knows very well. Though it's not too nice, he's really trying his best to trace it....Good job, boy!!

Then we continued to trace the Star. He got a little bit hard to trace the star by himself, so he asked me to hold his hands.

We're making number 7. Though he's not ready yet to learn number 7, he's able to do it well. He traced the numbers and did lots of counting objects. He's great!! ^^

We learnt about the concept of SHORT and LONG. He had to get the concept before he checked the work and so far he did well. He worked nicely on it. ^^

Practical Life

He's getting smart using SCISSORS. He can use two hands, one for holding the paper and scissors in another hand. He's so seriously cutting the origami paper. I use origami because it's quite thick for him to cut rather than paper.

Another Practical Life we did for this week, using Sieve...

I gave him my sieve and little flour to him to let him explore with it. He didn't too enthusiast playing with it. He just excited in the 5 minutes first, then he's busy to taste this flour....oooohhhhh......

And in the end, here's the result....

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