Easter 2013 - Lievell

Saturday, March 30, 2013

Easter 2013

White Thursday
This White Thursday, thankfully, I could go to the church together with my Parents and Fritz. My class was going forwardly at 10 AM for my private class and 12 PM for my tutor class. All of them were so cooperative with the time, so I could go home at 3 PM. The mass itself was starting 6 PM, I had time to relax for a moment before the mass.

I had to pull my Dad's wheelchair to the church. Our church is quite near with my parents' house, so we walked there. My Dad was sitting in front for the capable person while we're sitting outside. I've told my Mom to sit inside as they put standing AC but my Mom refused by saying there's no AC. So we're sitting outside sweating. :D

Ali wasn't joining with us as he still had duty delivering the employers to their houses. He said he wanted to go the next mass but his condition wasn't good. He'd got fever! Poor you, Pap! :(

Good Friday
Actually I wanted to see the drama at Atma Jaya University with Fritz but Ali refused as he still wasn't great. The plan, before, we just delivered the strawberry for Yossy, then we drove to our apartment. However, we're stuck at Arief's house till noon and having lunch there. :D

For this Good Friday, as usual, we chose Atma Jaya for our mass. We sat together with Vidor-Thiya-Lona and Julianto in a row. Wufff....it's really hot! *need fan* The kids, Lona and Fritz, were spending their time by eating snacks that Thiya brought and do coloring in Lona's activity book. At last, the kids weren't making some noisily. :D

After the mass, we went to Plaza Semanggi to have dinner together. Again, the plan wasn't going smoothly. Vidor's fam asked us to join with them and having dinner together at Radja Ketjil Restaurant. I didn't feel good with that big family, they're really nice to us. Thanks, Om & Tante....:)

PS: I bought new foundation and mascara....LOL *big grin*

Easter Eve
We went with my MIL and BIL to Atma again for having Easter Eve's mass. Again, we sat together again with the same formation as yesterday but now added a new personal, Bea -- Jul's wife while my MIL and BIL sat not really too far from us. It's just like yesterday, the kids were having same activities; eating snacks and coloring. Great job, kids! :D

After the mass, we went to Ya-Udah Bistro near Menteng for having our late dinner. Thankfully, we had eaten our dinner before the mass during our way to Atma. So we didn't so much hungry to grab the dish. The price of the meal was very reliable. For a plate of steak costs not more than 60,000 IDR but they had a big one. Wow!

It's a nice place to hang out but that day we really were in absurd formation. We went there with my MIL and BIL while Vidor was with his 2 70-years grannies. We asked these 2 grannies hang out till lately and both of them were happy with it. It's us! :D

Happy Easter, everyone!

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