2008 - Lievell

Saturday, December 20, 2008

10:08 AM

During Preganncy

During Preganncy

Fried noodles....
Chicken noodles...
All about noodles!!!
I love noodles in many kind of versions. LOL

During my pregnancy, I never found any difficulty. Really.
I always felt so hungry all the time and always eager on eating. I can grab and chew all types of food, from eastern to western, from Sushi, pizza, steak, meatballs to Nasi Padang or Hawker street food, you named it. I can grab it all.

Sometimes I felt morning sickness but it didn't take any long time. It happened because I didn't like a meal when it was cold. It tasted not really good in my mouth and I felt like to vomit. Then, there wasn't any fussy things on my pregnancy.

Another thing that I need to remember during on my pregnancy was my weight. It was gained 20 kilos! I was on 62 kg before pregnancy and it became 82 kg during on my delivery. My cheeky body seemed like a giant balloon. Gosh!

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

7:34 AM

I was pregnant, finally

I was pregnant, finally
July 2008 "Congratulation" 

A simple word means deep...
I've heard that word from a doctor who had checked my womb.

Was it real??

For some people, 7 months wasn't a long time for waiting a baby on their marriage. For us, it was. We'd tried going to a doctor and a Sin She (we called). They said we're fine, nothing seriously for being afraid.

A friend of mine recommended a doctor that we tried to go to near my work field. The doctor asked me to do some routines before I was going up from my bed. He asked me to check up my body temperature, then I had to mark it on a graphic bar from a paper he gave it to me. The purpose is to know when my ovulation day was. Besides, he found out I have a little problem with my Prolactin Hormone. Then, he gave me some vitamin to control this hormone. I wasn't really sure what kind of hormone it is but it was affected to my pregnancy, the doctor said so.

One day after working time, I and my lovely hubby had a routine check up schedule as usual to visit this doctor. I felt something unusual, actually, inside my body. Honestly, I've got that feeling as I didn't get my period that month.

We entered his room. Like usual, he asked me to lay on the patient bed and checked on me while asked some common questions to my hubby. After few minutes in silence (the doctor needed his time to hear what's wrong with my stomach. Maybe the worms were having demonstration for being hunger. LOL), he said that word. "CONGRATULATION, you are pregnant!!" O_O Whoooaaah.....

Suddenly, my world was being upside down as I wrote on top before. I really wanted to jump here and there to express my feeling. Of course it wasn't allowed. So, I asked my {not expressive} hubby to jump as high as he can to represent my feeling. Yeah, he was jumping that time, in the middle of the street after we walked out from the doctor's room. Luckily, there wasn't anybody around there, so he was free from shameful. LOL.

I was thankful to GOD. We believe that HE gave us a baby on a right time.