Monday, March 30, 2009
Thursday, March 26, 2009
a month after that, my birthday too, 30 days of Fritz.....
It's time for us to share cakes to the closest relatives as a symbol of happiness (I think). We provided 40 cakes to be shared to the families.
Few days before, we had ordered the cakes and also made a route for Daddy and Uncle K.
If only Daddy who the one distributes the cakes...he's gonna be "gempor!!!" absolutely....;p
So, both of them with two cars were busy on the road that day, sharing all the cakes...
Happy a month, Fritz!!!
7.30 AM
First new hair cut and cutting nails...
Fritz was still sleeping when we cut all the hair. He didn't realize that he was bald after that...hahahha.....
1. a warm water in the small pail
2. cotton
3. Daddy's shaver (Gillette)
4. scissors
5. shampoo to make it easier to be cut
6. tissue
7. baby nail clipper
8. the most things; a bravery heart of Daddy and Oma..because Mommy just hold Fritz in my arm....scared...
a boldy head of Fritz..hix..hix..n it's very neat..gud job, Daddy!
a neat fingers' nail of Fritz...which the toes still long enough...Oma!!!!
Wednesday, March 25, 2009
"Hi uncle & aunty,
Theodore Fritz Lievell has come 2 d'world
on March 25th 2009
at 9.06AM
with weight 3.390 kg
and length 49 cm
in RS.Puri Indah r720
Ali & Steph"
A week before!
Preparing all the things...especially my mind!!
For me, giving a birth was the scariest things in the world that I couldn't imagine it before.
It's scarier than a roller coaster....I never ever have any brave to ride this kind of thing in my life...for sure!!
It's scarier than a final exam that I should face it before leave the university....three mentors on my face!!
It's scarier than an interview's one of my list scarier thing also...;p
Actually, I wanted a normally birth and my doctor has given good respond. He said that my baby was in good position even he was being tight by his umbilical cord. parents and one of my aunty said that it was quite dangerous and taking a risk if I still wanted a normally birth.
So...I decided to change my mind into sectio birth and choose the date and time.
A day before!!
Preparing things to be brought to hospital and it's night already.....10 PM....
Entering the lobby and going straight to the room.
A nurse checked heart beat and my baby also....
Don't ask my feeling....
Few hours after that!!
It's time for taking a rest.....
Suddenly.....I heard a scream....oo-oow....
My first think was...there was a ghost in that room....
Then...more screaming....again...again...
getting louder and louder....
There was a woman who was delivering a baby beside my room!!
This was what I heard
"Doc, I really couldn't hold on anymooooooree.....It's really hurrrrrrrrrrttt.....really!!!
Mammaaaa....I can't hold this pain, Mam....
So mucccccccccchhhhh!!!
Mammaaaa...ask the doctor to prepare the surgery room...
please, Maaaa....
That I did only praying for her, hoping she could delivery fast so I could sleep again....
And it took 3 hours!
It really feared me....because tomorrow will be my turn!!
Few hours before!!
This was the time....nurse came back again in the morning to check up me and my baby.
She put some serum on my hand....I didn't wanna see it and it's hurt....arrgggghhh....
Then some nurses came and asked permission to bring me to the surgery room...
They brought me to the 3rd hubby and my family (only my Mom and brother) also followed, but they just waited in front.
They gave me to the other nurse (actually it's a man called bruder) and he greeted and introduced his name (I really forget his name now!!). He would accompany me in the surgery room..He's nice and kind...
On the Room!!' soooo cold!!
I was being covered by a quilt and a pump quilt...and it's still cold
waiting....for the doctor came
hearing....sound of the medical equipment....and my heart beating....
seeing....ooowww..this was the operation room....big light, white, cold, green clothes in Grey's Anatomy the series (I loved to watch it!!!)
still waiting with 2 bruders....they asked me to talk with them......
waiting again....and almost 1 hour until the doctors came
The anesthesia doctor gave me a serum on my back....suddenly...I couldn't feel half of my body from my belly to feet...
Then the obstetricians did his job...
I didn't feel anything, I just heard all the equipment did their job....scissors, needle, thread....and the sound of the doctors' chat each others....
How can they chat during the operation??
Praying....hope that they wouldn't forget anything before the close my belly!!!
Few Minutes after that!!
That was my baby's crying.....
They cleaned him up and made sure that everything okay..
Then they showed me......
Amazingly.....he's alive.....beside me...and I kissed him....lovely......
The Operation was done!!
Me on the recovery room felt so cold and again they put the quilt and the pump quilt to make my body warm..
Few hours after that!!
Theodore Fritz Lievell, son of Ali Suwito Kurniadi and Stephanie Marvella.