08.09 - Lievell

Sunday, August 30, 2009

3:11 PM


30th August 2009
St. Matias Rasul
10.00 AM

Today was a beautiful and exciting day for us. We were going to baptize Fritz in the church near the house. With his Guardian Father, Mr Antonio Andi Juzwar (Uncle Tito) , Fritz, me and Daddy were going to church half hour forward to gather in the church with full of white on us and had absentee first. We were the first list and put us in the first line...heeee.....;C

Few minutes before, all the Fritz's cheerleaders, Opa-Oma-Uncle K-ii Ling2-Popo, were coming and giving lots of spirit to Fritz...hehhehehe....
Taking photos...giving smiles to him...entertaining him...hugging him....cheering him....

The mass was begin...
Fritz has felt unconfy, sweating everywhere and it was really hot..
Hopefully the mass was not taking long enough.

He was blessed in the name of Father, Son and Holy Spirit...

Hoping he always put God in every path he passes....and love his God forever....
1:23 PM

Babtism - Slide

Babtism - Slide

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

10:45 AM

Fritz : 5th month

Fritz : 5th month
Flap Over
The most exciting thing happened in this month that Fritz was able to do his first flap by himself in the day without mommy knew it. He did on Monday, 10th August, in his 4,5 months.

Napping Time
In the beginning of the week, he really was difficult to sleep in the day. He liked to play and just sleep for a while, only took 15 minutes with mommy beside. Then, days by days, his napping time becomes routines. Now his schedule is
* after taking a bath in the morning, around 9 o'clock, takes half till 1 hour
* after mommy having lunch time, around 12 o'clock, takes 1 till 1,5 hours
* around 2.30 or 3 o'clock, takes 2 till 3 hours

Gross Motor Skill
He shows lots of improvement in this part. He starts to grasp everything in his nearby. He touches our faces, feeling our skin on his little palms. He is also able to reach his own toys and his favorites things; towel and rosary. He likes to play with his own hands if there is nothings around him. The most is he puts his pointer into his mouth...gud job, Fritz!!

His both foot are so active, kicking or pulling his bed cover and also everything around him. He like to play with his feet when he is drinking milk. His feet are going up and down or pulling and pushing. If he feels happy, his feet will be soooooo active going everywhere...up & down, forward & backward,left & right...everywhere...

Now, his head is more stronger to stand up. After sleeping time, his favorite style now is lying his face downwards and he does it by himself unconsciously, he always stands up his head and looks for his mommy around. He is also able to be hugged in front and back. He loves it so much!!

In every new things, he always can't stop to scan with his small little eyes and especially in the new environment. He stares it deeply, seems like he puts all those things in his brain. he learns a lot with is eyes.

He shows his interest in eating. His mouth seems like chewing something if we are eating in front of him. Really couldn't wait his eating time 2 weeks again...

When we ask him to go outside from his home, we don't find any difficulty. He is quite a quiet little boy who likes to see a new thing and scan it in his brain. He always smiles to everyone who likes to greet him. Prince Charming!!


He likes to see his face in the mirror and always smiles to see himself there. Another his charm sides...wuahhhhaaaa....

More expressions that he shows in this month. Anger and laugh. He always appreciates everyone by showing his smile when they talk to him. So sweet and charm boy!

Diapers Time

I start to reduce his diaper time by taking off for a moment after he wakes up in the morning and sometimes during the day though I should change it for 10 times (after taking a bath, 9 o'clock till before taking a bath again in the afternoon)..gosh!!!
Recently, if he takes a nap and he finds out his pants is wet, he can't sleep anymore. Soooo...i put on his diaper again and take it off 2-3 hours before taking a bath in the afternoon.
Night time is diaper time...


2 - 4 times a day.
Maybe he starts to make his body lighter to improve his other skills
10:42 AM

Fritz : 5th month - Slide

Fritz : 5th month - Slide

Friday, August 14, 2009

9:43 AM

Learn 2 Read

Learn 2 Read

"Pendidikan sebaiknya diberikan sedini mungkin, yaitu pada masa bayi karena pertumbuhan sel-sel otak paling cepat terjadi pada tahun-tahun pertama kehidupan. Namun, pendidikan tersebut hendaknya diberikan dalam suasana yang menyenangkan sehingga belajar sama menyenangkannya seperti bermain dan dari bermain kita juga dapat belajar"

Permainan ini dilakukan 3x sehari, setiap hari.

pagi pk 8.00 - 9.00

siang pk 13.00 - 14.00

malam hari sebelum tidur

Cara bermain: 1. Siapkan 15 kartu dan kuasai kosakata sebelum memulai permainan. 2. Tumpukan kartu terbalik, urutan pertama berada di paling belakang dengan posisi tulisan diatas dan gambar dibelakang. 3. Ciptakan suasana menyenangkan dan perhatikan mood anak agar mudah berkonsentrasi. 4. Duduklah berhadapan dengan jarak 1 meter.
5. Peganglah kartu dengan posisi kata menghadap ke anak.
6. Ambil kartu pertama dari belakang,
pindahkan ke depan sambil melihat gambar di belakang dan ucapkan dengan jelas dan keras. 7. Lakukan dengan cepat, tidak lebih dari 1 menit. 8. Jangan meminta anak mengikuti atau mengulang kata yang diucapkan. 9. Setelah selesai, tunjukkan penghargaan dengan memuji, memeluk atau mencium anak sebagai salah satu bentuk motivasi belajar anak.

Pembagian Kartu:

Jumlah kartu
100 buah dengan tulisan warna merah dan gambar dibelakang

Hari 1
: 15 kartu
Hari 2 - 5
: Eliminasi 5 kartu dari 15 kartu yang dipakai pada hari sebelumnya dan tambahkan kartu baru setiap harinya.
Hari 6
: Kumpulkan kartu-kartu yang dieliminasi sebagai kartu bermain pada hari itu. Hindari mengurutkan kata-kata yang berawalan sama, misalnya sapi, sapu, dll.
Hari 7
: Kumpulkan semua kartu yang telah dipakai selama seminggu (6hari) dan dapat diuji kemampuan anak Jadi dalam seminggu anak akan mempelajari 35 kosakata dan selesai dalam kurun waktu 4 minggu. Setelah bagian tulisan selesai dipelajari, gabungkanlah dengan gambar supaya anak mengerti arti kata dan mengenali gambar sekaligus.


- Jika anak kurang tertarik dengan tulisan, bisa dicoba dengan menggunakan gamabr terlebih dahulu.

- Jangan menyogok atau memberikan anak dengan hadiah, misalnya permen, coklat, dll. Karena ini merupakan motivasi negatif.
- Jika anak bosan, kurangi frekuensi bermain. Misalnya 2x sehari atau 1x sehari.

Monday, August 10, 2009

1:41 PM

Finally, Fritz is flapping....

Finally, Fritz is flapping....

10th August 2009
on Mommy's Bed

Finally, Fritz can do his first flap over by himself without any help from others...Today, he didn't wear his diaper for the first time too..Maybe he can do his flap over successfully related with his unused his diapers in the day...yipiiiieeeee.....

Saturday, August 1, 2009

1:22 PM

M&B Fair

M&B Fair

Saturday, 1st August 2009
Balai Kartini

It was a hot sunny day when we've been to the Mother and Baby Fair that day. After we picked up Oma at her office in the middle of traffic jam everywhere and we just arrived 1,5 hours from home...Gosh!!!! Finally we could arrive in the last minutes of showing baby time in front of Oma's friends. They were really surprised to see my handsome baby boy, Fritz Lievell....

1,5 hours before...at home...
Everything had already prepared..lunch (Fried Rice with Yellow Tofu and Pork meat), big water bottles, stroller that needed to be put inside the car and a Fritz bag fulled with diapers, changing clothes, milk, and bottle.
Okay...it was time to go..
Daddy made a little silly fatal mistake...the car was locked while the car machine was on..
He forgot to open the window a little bit...haiyaaaaa!!!

Daddy : Don't be panic...I can handle it...really..just calm down and take a seat for a while ...it's gonna be okay....really...
(But his face was pale, his sweat was everywhere and he didn't know what he should do first....that was you call don't be panic???)

Mommy : huhhhh....we were in the rush, you know...see...you....bla..blaa...
(Daddy was more panic...huahahahahaha...no idea...just trying to unlocked with the 30 cm plastic ruler and looking for the wire)

minutes were going on...still trying...Fritz was start crying couldn't wait longer...

Triiing....I've got an idea...why don't you open the backlight area then you can reach the lock with your hand...see...women saved men life...

on the Fair...
sooooo crowded with lots of people, babies in the strollers, booths provide babies things and every single things bout babies..and it was nice to be there this year which I can enjoy my life with my baby boy....