Fritz is currently 30th months 4 weeks
*Letter N*
I loved this activity as Fritz did. He was so eager applying the {pretended} nest from the green crepe paper. Then, he asked me to get 2 wiggle eyes for the birds. He's very insisted to paste the eyes though as you can see, the birds are small. LOL
It's a pistachio shell nut...LOL...
I 've got the idea when Pop has bought it. I thought it's gonna be unique.....^^
Fact: Mom did it as Fritz hasn't enthusiast anymore in crafting for that day......
*Letter J*
It's really a simple idea coming ahead from me....^^
I just printed the Jellybeans from Google's images then asked Fritz to paste it. Thankfully, he's eager pasting it. ^^
*Letter P*
He's so excited when he's seeing some his photos with Papa. He's quite shocked when he saw himself using a float in the pool. He absolutely didn't remember it. ^^
He pasted all Papa's picture by himself and I helped him to put the letter P around as it's full with the pictures.
*Letter Q*
He said that it's a chicken instead of Quail....hahahahhaa...
He's not totally wrong as I cut as the same color with chicken. It's yellow....LOL......[mommaaaaaaaa!!!]'s a there were the thorn and the slayer as a Queen.....[insisted]
Question mark as he's seen on Mickey's Mouseketools. LOL Look at his expression when he's done pasting the question mark. He looked so silly!!
He's really showing improvement in counting the objects. He can put his finger right on the object one by one as he spells it loud. However, he got a little difficulty in tracing number 4. He asked me to hold his hand as he lost his confy to do that.
*Tracing Lines*
I was soooooo surprised!!
Fritz is getting great in tracing. He can trace these various lines without any help from me. He was so excited when I asked him. He said that he's willing to do it. WOW!!
He went to the Karawaci mall with Opa, Oma and Uncle together. Mom didn't join with them as I have to go work. He's really get a lot of fun there, I think. He was brought some DVD by Opa. He got 4 DVD; In the Night Garden, Finley, Teletubbies and I forgot one more.....
This weekend, we spent the day by going to Subang. We went with Ali's family, his mom (popo), his grams (po-thai) and his youngest brother (zhuk2). Fritz was so excited that it's his first trip with his paternal family as he always goes with my family.
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