Toddler : Transportation Week - Lievell

Sunday, March 6, 2011

Toddler : Transportation Week

Fritz is currently 23 months 1 week


I've got the idea from Homeschooling Creation. She made lots of Transportation activities and it's so gorgeous. I took all her idea for this week.

Activity : Matching Cards

This was his first puzzle. He has to manage these puzzle into a right object. He was too young to understand it, I thought. He couldn't do it well but he knew which one was the missing parts. I'll keep it for later. Hehehehhehe.....

*Traffic Light*

* a black construction paper
* red, yellow and green origami paper
* glue
* scissors

How to do:
1. cut the black construction paper into rectangle shape
2. make a circle in every origami paper
3. ask the kid to paste the red first, follow by yellow and the last is green
4. tell the kid what is the function of traffic light and what does the mean in every color

*Box Car*
Preparation :
* an empty box of milk
* a light blue construction paper
* origami paper
* glue
* double tape
* scissors

How to do:
1. put double tape on two side of the box
2. make 2 car shape with light blue construction paper
3. cut 4 wheels, 2 windows and 2 lights using origami paper
4. paste the wheels, windows and lights on the car shape using a glue
5. paste the car shape into the milk box by taking off the double tape

Tracing : Airplane
He's not ready to trace this various lines. However, he was still showing his enthusiasm while doing it. He wanted me to guide him though in the end he made it out of line. Hahahahhahhaa....

Song : The Wheel on the Bus
The *wheel* on the bus
**Goes round and round
Round and round
Round and round
The wheel on the bus
Goes round and round
All through the town

The word wheel and goes round we can change into these
* door - open and shut
* people - up and down
* wiper - swish, swish, swish
* horn - beep, beep, beep
* baby - wee, wee, wee (crying)
* mommy - says shh, shh, shh
* coin - cling, cling, cling
* driver - move to the back

Reading Book : Transportation Vocabularies

I started by Barney's books and Spot. Then I just remembered that I had this vocabulary book. I took it and I mentioned the things followed by Fritz. So far, he can mention some of the vocab there.

Practical Life

He's so into with button. Every time he sees someone wearing a shirt with buttons, he will announce "buttons...buttons"

When I gave this to him, he made a little improvement. He did with a lil help from me.

Learning Toys
*Car Riding Toys*

Now, he is able to move this car using his feet as before he was too lazy to move it. He can move here and there by himself. Going up and down too!

*Cars Toys*

He enjoyed himself playing role play using these cars. This red car is his favorite one.

*Alphabet Mat*


He improves his Alphabets...and he enjoyed himself placing these alphabets into the mat.

He's got this toy when he was having his 1st b'day. I put it in the box and he found it. He insisted to get it out and wanted to play with it. He loves the vehicles things. He called this train "Thomas" as in Thomas and Friends. Everything bout trains is Thomas. ^^

*Remote Control Cars*

Then he found this toy also in his undercover presents box, the remote control car. Of course it's not suit for him as he's too young for it. Again, he insisted to play with it. When the car went under the chair or it's far away from his eyes, he took it and made it near. So what's the functions of the remote?? >,<

Gross Motor : Up and Down
He's up...
He's down..
Going up..
Going down...
Up again..
Down again..

Then, I gave up watching him!

*Boy in hat*

I really love this pic so much. He looks so adorable with his cute smile and big hat on his head....

Now, he can ask us not to take a pic of him. He's gonna say like this...
(no...need...(take) (click the tongue)...ahh....iseng (can't find the synonym)"

*Ice Cream*
This was his expression when having a cone ice cream in one yummy!!

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