K4 : Week 47 - Lievell

Sunday, February 23, 2014

K4 : Week 47

Fritz is currently 4 years 10 months

Bahasa Indonesia

Our books for learning early Bahasa Indonesia. 

Praktis Membaca is an old book that it's hard to find it again in bookstore. It's a good book {for me} to teach child to read for beginning. There are 4 or 6 series of it and I found just 4 books in my work field. I borrowed it home for Fritz. 

Asyik Baca Tulis was a book that I searched for in a bookstore for quite some times. I found a difficult to find an activity book for teach him. I think it's the good one, I hope so. LOL

So far Fritz is able to read in simple words contains 2 syllables. Recently, he sometimes takes a paper and a pen or pencil to write everything he likes to write when he sees something.


He always loves the process of cooking. He wanted to help me every time I decided to cook or bake something. This time, we wanted to make White Coffee Cake that supposed to be not using the white coffee, just coffee. However, we just found the white coffee belonged of my brother instead of the black one. So, here we were making the cake for afternoon snack. ^_^


So unbelievable! He gobbled 4 pizzas for his dinner!!

His love for pizza is really unexpected. He never gets bored eating pizza though it must happen for days. His appetite nowadays is getting better. Nothing happen with him, I mean he's not just recovery from any sick. He just gets better in eating and eats lots. Big boy!

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