A year ago... - Lievell

Saturday, March 29, 2014

A year ago...

A year ago we still had Popo beside us. In the same place and week we went to Lee Family House. She came in the wheel chair to pray for his beloved husband in heaven. She talked for long time through the board she held at that time. Nobody knew what she talked to him. I guess she said she was so happy that all of her children came to see their Papa in heaven.

Today, a year after that, we came again to this house to pray for her husband and her, Kungkung and Popo. I believed you're so happy now in heaven together with all our ancestors. Can you see all of us gathered there to see you, Popo? I missed you so much. I missed your laugh badly. I missed everything in you though you're not a part of me but I'm now a part of you. 

We had a big family dinner together in Tradizionale Seafood at Muara Karang as Iie came from Hongkong to meet us. It's once in a year. 

Family picture

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