Fritz : One Year - Lievell

Thursday, March 25, 2010

Fritz : One Year

A year ago...he was a baby that couldn't do anything...just crying and crying all days...without do any activities...

Now, he's turning ONE and lots of things he can do..

- He can eat what the adults porridge anymore..

- He still drinks breast milk and starts drinking UHT milk in his new age

- He can stand up by himself now

- Walking is on progress. He can walk so fast when he sees cat, dog or lizard...and other things he want to see...

- He still loves reading books and now he can open the book by himself pages by!!

- He understands simple order, such as
1. washing hands...he rubs his two hands like washing his hands
2. bye-bye..he waves his hands, looks like shaking to waving actually
3. no-no...he waves his pointer to the left and right
4. good..he shows us his thumb
5. kiss-bye...he will put his hand on his mouth
6. kiss momma...he put his lips on my cheek and wet absolutely...:)
7. aaaah (to show whether there is food on his mouth or not)..he will open his mouth and show it to me there's still food on his mouth
8. belly..he will find his belly by opening his shirt...looks so funny...
9. where is Fritz? he will put his palm on his chest to show that he is Fritz

- He can follow the song's movement, such as Miss Polly had a Dolly (he will knock the wood), Twinkle Twinkle Little Star (he will open and close his palms together), If You Happy (he will clap his hands), Teasing Mr. Shark (moves his hands like fish), BINGO (clap his hands when singing the BINGO's rhyme) and other songs...Momma's forget! ;P

- He shows good socialization with elder. He can join playing with them altogether...

- He can sleep by himself when he feels sleepy..not for at home...he can sleep on his carseat by himself during Mom's driving the car

-The most is he loves talking and produces voices. He can express what he wants now using his voices...and I can't wait to see him talking...

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