04.11 - Lievell

Friday, April 29, 2011

12:34 AM

Balada Roti dan Mentega

Balada Roti dan Mentega

Kemaren pagi, baru aja melek mata, tiba2 ada orang ketok2 pager rumah. Ternyata si abang Sari Roti. Berasa kaga ngutang apa2, gue tanya aja si abang

"Kenapa, bang?"

"Bu, sayah mo nawarin promo nih."

*berasa tua amat ya gue dipanggil ibu*

"Gak deh, bang. Kemaren pan baru beli roti."

"Bukan gitu, bu...ini ada orang yg mo nawarin promo."

Nongol seorang cowo pake baju kuning berambut kribo turun dari motor metik.

"Bu, saya dari Women Radio nih. Lagi ngadain promo bagi2 roti buat pelanggan setia."

*sejak kapan gue jadi pelanggan setia??*

muka gue yang pasti bengong

Dia lanjut lagi,

"Menurut mas ini, ibu pelanggan setia yang sering beli roti."


*curiga tingkat tinggi takut disuru macem2"

"Saya kudu ngapain, mas?

*mulai worried disuru bayar*

"Gak ngapa2in, bu...Ibu cuma poto aja sama saya, sambil pegang rotinya"

*si abang kaga ikutan??" ^^


"Tunggu bentar ya....saya ganti baju dulu."

Secara yaaaa, baju gue bolong gitu bagian keteknya....malu dong disuru ngangkat2 roti....plus muka masi kucel bener. Langsung gue ngibrit ke dlm rumah, ganti baju buru2...kaga bedakan lagi *lupa*, bangunin Fritz yg masih mimpi kemana tau kali tuh anak.

Sambil gendong si bocah, gue siap di poto....

eits....kenapa temennya si kribo ini cuma bawa BB ajah?

*cheeeeeseeee* cepreeet!!

akhirnya gue cukup puas aja gitu di poto pake kamera BB...

kaga ada tuh kamera poket kek minimal...

kaga ada juga tuh syut-syut apa2...

apalagi ngarepin di wawancara di radio...;p

"makasih ya, buuu"

"Ini rotinya ma menteganya, bu"

gue dikasi 8 bungkus roti en 4 sachet mentega......GRETOOOOONG!!

akhirnya masuklah gue dengan muka sumingrah plus bingung.....lagi ada promo apa sih sebenernya???

*garuk2 kepala*

abis itu, gue baru nyadar....kenapa gue ga ambil kamera gue yaaaaaa......haiiiizzzzz.....dodol!!

*narsis* ^^

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

1:10 AM

Pre-Nursery : Easter week

Pre-Nursery : Easter week
Fritz is currently 25 months

This week, we celebrated Easter. We didn't do too much activity this week as the printer was off for a week. So, we just had fun with some learning toys. This entire week, puzzle was a big hit for him. In weekend, we spent days by going to church for Thursday White, Good Friday and Easter. "Happy Easter, everyone!!"

*Weird Rabbit*
Preparation :
1. A paper plate
2. Paint
3. Palette
4. Brush
5. 2 wiggle eyes
6. Cotton
7. Glue
8. Construction Paper
9. Scissors

How to do :
- paint all the paper plate
- wait till it dry
- paste the wiggle eyes and cotton as the nose
- make two hand prints as the ears
- cut into the ears shape
- paste the ears on the paper plate

It didn't look like a rabbit, huh?! ^^
I named it as a weird rabbit.......biggrin

*Egg Tree*
I forgot where I've got the printouts of these eggs.

When I asked him to paste these eggs, Fritz refused it as he was enjoying his time inside his box house. Then, I asked him to get inside the room and luckily he wanted to do it. I insisted to get inside the room as he had applied the glue on the branches of the tree. SO I had to ask him to paste it quickly before the glue was getting dried.

Activity : Stamp the Egg

He got a new thing to play. It's a stamp!

It's my old stamp, I still kept it for almost more than 20 years ago maybe. I remembered when my Mom bought me this stamp when I was in Primary school.

It's still working, the ink also! Fritz was so into it. It's a big hit for him......enjoying stamp....stamp....stamp.....^^

He also stamped himself with it.....biggrin

Workbook : Tracing Circle

I compiled some tracing shapes worksheet into a workbook. I collected it from various sources that I've got it online.

That day, I gave him 2 workbook, Math and Shapes. He enjoyed doing it so much.

In Math, he colored and counted the things of number 1. He was able to finish 5 worksheets all.

In Shape, he still needs some guidance to trace the circle lines.

Learning Toys
*McQueen and his friends toys*
BIG hit!!

As he LOVES Cars movie so much and can remember mostly the cast, I bought him these toys for him. I've got these after I went home from my private class. I saw the small collection of Cars first. It just cost 9,000 rupiah only for 4 die casts. Then, I saw the big McQueen hiding under some of vehicle toys. It just cost 37,500 rupiah only!!

Thanks to God I could buy these cheap toys for Fritz....^^

He was enjoying his time inside his tub. And that day, he had a new toy, fishing toys!! He still can't play with the fishing pole that already filled with the magnet. He couldn't wait for a minute to get the fish inside the pail. So, he just enjoyed playing with the fish only....^^

*Mickey's Puzzle*

Now, he's so into with puzzle. He could do this with my help. I gave him the puzzle and told him where he has to put it. SO far, he can connected which puzzle he has to paste after it.

For example, when we did the body of Minnie, he would ask me where the ribbon of Minnie.

Believe it or not, he made it till it's all complete. He was so proud of himself when it's done!

*McQueen Puzzle*

Puzzle is a big HIT for him this week. He played with it everyday. He's getting smart in putting the pieces though he still needs me to guide him.

*a bowl for two*

It's a very HOT day!! We're getting sweat everyday. Pop bought a fruit soup for us. Fruit soup means es buah..it's a mixed fruit combined with the shaved ice. It's soooo breezy in the middle of very hot day. Yummy!!

As Pop just bought only one, we had to share it three of us. Fritz was so happy to get it. Both with Pop, he shared the ice together.

Sunday, April 24, 2011

11:55 PM

28 years...

28 years...

Time really flies very fast....wish that I could turn back the time....
So many things happened in my life and those made me learning lots.

Fiuuuh.....I really have many wish lists for myself ^^

- Healthy body for taking care Fritz
- Get a better life than last year
- Be a great mom for Fritz
- Be more creative in serving food and educating Fritz
- Be patient in handling Fritz
- Be a better person and want to learn something new!

That's to simple, huh! ^-*

And here are my special wish lists:
- go for vacation, Bali at least...^^
- get some body treatment for myself...relaxing my body...pleaseeeee.... ^^
- get some new gadget...iPad and new camera....
- shopping...shopping....shopping...new clothes, new shoes, new bags, new make up accessories....
- expert in using Photoshop, making own blog template and scrapbooking

That's all!! ^O^

PS : hopefully my beloved hubby read this and fulfill my wish lists....*cross my fingers*....*fold hands tightly*...........*triiiiiinggggg*

Monday, April 18, 2011

11:53 PM

Pre-Nursery : Cc - Cats

Pre-Nursery : Cc - Cats
Fritz is currently 24 months 3 weeks

Alphabet : Cc

Vocabulary : Pet animals

This week, Fritz didn't show any enthusiast in following the theme. He just did much on practicing and playing along with his toys. We didn't finish the material...

Picture : Pet Animals

He could able to mention some these animals. Though he showed less interest in doing this activity, I was quite happy when he wanted to paste the pics by himself to the board.

Activity : Matching the Cats

He seemed not really enthusiast when doing this activity. He couldn't stay focus when matching all the pic.
Tracing : Cats

He easily made this tracing. He loves the straight tracing so much and even he is able to make the straight line by himself.
Coloring : Cat

He colored the cat with brown color pencil. He didn't show any enthusiasm while doing it.... :(:(

Practical Life
*Transferring Big Beads with Spoon*

He was so into playing this. He likes the transfer things especially using spoon. He didn't do it one by one transferring any more. He preferred to transfer all the beads by holding the bowl and pouring all the beads to the empty bowl. He took few minutes focusing on this things.... ;)

*Pouring water*

He took almost an hour playing with water. He poured the water with some media.

Firstly, I gave him a little round container with a little water and a pipette. He wasn't able to push the pipette then he gave up.

Next, he poured the water from container to other container. He enjoyed it so much.

After that, he enjoyed himself to use sponge and squeeze it but it didn't take any longer. He was busy wiping the table till it got wet.

The last, I gave him funnel. He also loved it much. He poured through funnel to a bottle. Then, he pretended drinking the water from it. Role play!! ^o^

He really enjoyed his time playing with water!! ^^

Learning Toys : Wooden Wire

He loved to play with the wooden wire this week. Maybe he got a lil bored with the theme's activity. ;(

*Back to his tub again*

We've back to his tub again this week!! ^^

It's to help him to get use with the water in a bigger place. As he didn't love the swimming time, I think it's a great idea from one of my friend. She said if Fritz was still taking a bath in a small place, he will not ever get brave to go to the swimming pool. Then, he LOVES so much playing water now.

He scooped the water using "gayung" and transferred it to the other pails. Nice water activity this week!!

*Eating time nowadays*

Recently, he shows his eagerness in eating his meal by himself. We don't need to spoon him anymore as he does it well for himself. *yay*

Eating with Opa in the same small Opa's table is his favorite time. Together with Opa, he eats his meal with soup and rice. Though he can't finish all his rice, he's able to spoon lots of rice into his mouth. ^^

Really nice to see him growing up well everyday!

Fun : Visiting Bekasi

We went to Bekasi, our home....

Our last borrower's home wanted to rent again our house. They have a 2,8 years old young girl. Fritz was happy playing with her. Together with Karin, the name of the girl, both of them were enjoying themselves playing with rabbit, seeing cat from a little space of the gate, watching movie, scribbling and playing run here and there.

Nice to see Fritz is able to get socialize with others......^^

Sunday, April 17, 2011

11:58 PM

Visiting Bekasi

Visiting Bekasi

It's been 2 years and we have to get back again to Bekasi, our home...

We rent our house to a family with one daughter. This year, they wanted to renew the contract as they wanted to rent again our home for next 2 years ahead.

So, we had to go there and saw our home. It looked so nice. They managed the room very well. I was so envy seeing our home looked so amazingly neat.

When we arrived at the front gate of the estate, the developer had successfully made us amazed with its progress. There lots of shops around and more crowd than last 2 years. There are more big restaurant there such as fast food (KFC, McDonald), seafood restaurant (Mang Kabayan) and many more.

We arrived at our home and the borrowers entertain us very friendly. Fritz was going inside feeling like its home (it's his home actually ^^) and playing with Karin, the name of the girl. She is 2,8 years. Both of them were enjoying their time together. It's so nice seeing Fritz could play with other and socialized with her.

I missed that place so much. We stayed there after we've got married on December 2007 and we just went back every weekend. We rushed to office every Monday morning at 5 am and we went back on Friday night.

We really had lots of much time there. So many memories left behind and I really missed so much. The traffic, the environment, the weekends, the home and everything we passed for almost a year there.....

Hopefully, one day we could go back there or we're gonna have one place to stay together...just our family.....three of us.....one day...someday.....

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

11:24 PM
Some lists what we need for Fritz:

*School Supply*
1. Glue
2. Print Upper and Lower case ABC puzzle from Homeschool Creations
3. Paste the based for letter C cards
4. Paste the based for Color cards
5. Looking for Easter teaching ideas
- Home Grown Hearts

*School Trials*
1. Kinderworld Montessori Preschool
2. HOPE preschool

1. Ancol : playing sand and sea, Gelanggang Samudera, Sea World
2. Bandung : De Ranch, Kampung Gajah and other educational places
3. Safari
4. Swimming Pool

1. Daily Pants
2. Cars Shirts
3. Toilet Potty Seat

Of course the most of all are SOCIALIZE with friends........

Sunday, April 10, 2011

10:08 PM

Pre-Nursery : Bb - Balls

Pre-Nursery : Bb - Balls
Fritz is currently 2 year 2 week

*Ball Puzzle*
He made it upside down firstly. He couldn't arrange it very well and still needed me to guide him. So far he was interested with this activity.

*Matching the balls*
He was so enthusiast when I paste it in his board. He eagerly did the matching. He did it well and correctly!
*Paste the Bb things*

Here's the worksheet. He has to paste this things to the Bb paper. He still wasn't able to get the things I asked. He just pasted and pasted what he wanted to paste. Then after that, I asked him to repeat after me after he did the pasting.

Loves to see his expression when he's done!

He didn't look enthusiast when I did this for him. It's because he's inside his home. He preferred playing with marker than this. :(

*Sequencing the ball*

As he loves to see OSO agent in Playhouse Disney, he's able to recognize the numbers 123 now. When I gave this activity for him, he tried his best to sequence the balls in order. He still needed my guidance to make it in order. I still have to tell him which part is the first and so on. It's okay, we still have lots of time, huh?! ^^

Art : Painting Ball

Last week, we colored the apple with crayon. For this week, I asked Fritz to paint the ball with blue paint. He LOVES painting so much though he doesn't like the dirty hands part so much ^^

Tracing : Balls
It was a piece of cake for him. He's good now in tracing the straight lines. He just made this not more than few second and it's done already. ^^

Coloring : Bb things

The camera's battery was getting off when I took pictures for this activity. So I just got this only one pic.

I gave him color pencils to color these things. He looked enthusiast doing it. He tried to color nicely in the things.

Learning Toys
*Pooh Puzzle*

Recently, he likes to play with puzzle and he's able to do the 2x2 Pooh puzzle. It's a big challenge for him firstly. He wasn't able to do it by himself. He took several minutes dealing with it and he's complete the puzzle successfully. He did it again and again.

*Playing Role with big box part 2*

This big box is still a big hit for him this week. He likes to play inside it and draws everything he wants to draw. Actually, it's not a drawing, it's just a scribbling with marker. At least he has a media to draw. ^^

This time, we had a Mickey pic for rug in front of the home. Then, I made a welcome board of Fritz house with a car, a Mickey and a pic of him. I didn't take a photo of it. Hopefully, I didn't forget to put it here. It's so nice.

He can play inside for more than half an hour, with Pop, Uncle or me....

*Eating Noodles with chopsticks*
He loves...loves...loves noodles...

When he saw me eating noodles *I've already ate it hiding but he caught me too* he asked me to share with him. Then, he wanted to eat the noodles by himself using chopstick.

Surprisingly, he's able to do it. He held the chopsticks properly but he still couldn't able to reach up the noodles to his mouth using it. So, when he grabbed it, he moved his head down to the bowl and reached up the noodles. The face inside the bowl and got closer to the noodles.Looked so funny!! He ate it a lot, more than half portion....^^

*Eating porridge*

He's not a porridge lover actually. He always refused if I gave him a bowl of porridge for him. But today, when Oma ate porridge *Oma got sick so she needed something hot and easily swallow* he asked me to get a porridge for him. Amazingly, he liked it and he insisted to eat by himself though the bowl wasn't clean enough. ^^

Fun : Giggle the Fun Factory

What a nice weekend for Fritz this week!

We have a great time at this place. This was the first time we entered this fun place. It's located at FX f5. Accidentally, we've been there as Pop had to meet his friend. While we had to wait for Pop for almost 2 hours, we went through to 5th floor. And we got 50% entrance free using HSBC cards. SOOOOO lucky we are!!

It's so silent there.....cause there's no one inside this playground!! ^^

Fritz was the only one visitor there and he absolutely was so happy. He can play ALL those toys without being disturbed by other kids. He explored all the toys happily.

After that we had late dinner at Mie Leker. Fritz insisted to eat the noodles by himself using chopstick. Recently, he likes to eat by himself. We just stand by aside to assist if the food falls down or messy. It's nice to see his maturity! ^^v

Friday, April 8, 2011

12:04 AM

Eating by Himself

Eating by Himself
Fritz is getting older, bigger and getting mature days by days.

Recently, he's showing his maturity by eating his food by himself. His appetite is also getting better now. He likes to gobble everything now.

Starting using chopstick when he's eating noodles. The funny thing was when he wanted to grab the noodles. He couldn't reach it as he's not using the chopstick properly. So he has to move his head inside the bowl!

Then, using adult spoon and plate when he's having lunch or dinner.
He's a trully Opa follower. The fans of Opa. So what Opa said, he will do it. And it happens during eating time.

He wants to be looked like Opa. Having rice in a plate and an adult spoon. Then, he started to pray as Opa does usually before having his meal. Sitting in the chair, together with Opa, they are having meal together. Fritz is spooning himself as Opa said and eating the rice too!! *Fritz doesn't really into with rice* If there's a soup, he will get the spoon and sip the broth.

And the others maturity things....

Oh, my boy.....