Eating by Himself - Lievell

Friday, April 8, 2011

Eating by Himself

Fritz is getting older, bigger and getting mature days by days.

Recently, he's showing his maturity by eating his food by himself. His appetite is also getting better now. He likes to gobble everything now.

Starting using chopstick when he's eating noodles. The funny thing was when he wanted to grab the noodles. He couldn't reach it as he's not using the chopstick properly. So he has to move his head inside the bowl!

Then, using adult spoon and plate when he's having lunch or dinner.
He's a trully Opa follower. The fans of Opa. So what Opa said, he will do it. And it happens during eating time.

He wants to be looked like Opa. Having rice in a plate and an adult spoon. Then, he started to pray as Opa does usually before having his meal. Sitting in the chair, together with Opa, they are having meal together. Fritz is spooning himself as Opa said and eating the rice too!! *Fritz doesn't really into with rice* If there's a soup, he will get the spoon and sip the broth.

And the others maturity things....

Oh, my boy.....

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