03.13 - Lievell

Sunday, March 31, 2013

11:59 PM

Kindergarten Curriculum

Kindergarten Curriculum
Hello wellow...we're coming to the end of our Preschooler's era. Now, it's time for us continuing our days being a Kindergartner  Here's our new logo. Later, I'll not write any months anymore under the logo, I'll put the years and month e.g: 4 years, 4 years 1 month, and so on. So it's gonna be easily for us to know the years.  This year is quite different from previous years. It's a right time for Fritz to learn and explore more than before. I have lots of plan...
11:55 PM

Preschool : Goodbye Preschool

Preschool : Goodbye Preschool
Fritz is currently 47 months 4 weeks This is the last week for his Preschool time then we're going to Kindergarten class after. Happy birthday my dear boy! You're not a baby or toddler or nursery or even a Preschoolers anymore, now you're 4 years old this week.  We really had so much fun during this week. No class too this week, just having so much fun and take a relax before we come up with new term next week. Goodbye, Preschool!! Birthday Blast Wow...you're 4...
8:29 PM

Early Dinner at Jun Njan Restaurant

Early Dinner at Jun Njan Restaurant
After we're done from Lee's clan house, we had early dinner at Jun Njan Restaurant. Before, we've been to Central Petojo but the chef was taking rest. So they closed for a moment. Then we went to the other cousins. It's my very first time seeing this cousins. I've never known before. So, after some thoughts, we preferred Jun Njan for our dinner time. The kids were busy sitting together. Fritz was the baby of all. FYI, all of them are his uncles and aunt. :D Thanks for treat us, Iie....until...
8:10 PM

Lee Family's House

Lee Family's House
It's really my first time to go to a clan family house - Rumah Marga. For Chinese, clan is very important. It's just like brother hood. So if we have the same clan, though we're not knowing each other, we're brother. Cool! :D  As I married with Lee clan, so I'm Lee now. {maybe I and Jet Lee are brothers now? :P}  So here we were in Lee's clan house. What did we do? We prayed for our father and grandfather from Ali's mom side. Some Chinese still pray for their ancestors...

Saturday, March 30, 2013

11:43 PM

Easter 2013

Easter 2013
White Thursday This White Thursday, thankfully, I could go to the church together with my Parents and Fritz. My class was going forwardly at 10 AM for my private class and 12 PM for my tutor class. All of them were so cooperative with the time, so I could go home at 3 PM. The mass itself was starting 6 PM, I had time to relax for a moment before the mass. I had to pull my Dad's wheelchair to the church. Our church is quite near with my parents' house, so we walked there. My Dad...

Tuesday, March 26, 2013

8:28 AM

Looking for a house

Looking for a house
Few months ago, we decided to rent a house as we spent more days in my parents' house. We're just back to our apartment only on Saturday to Monday afternoon. Then I'm back to routines from Tuesday afternoon to Friday night. So we decided it's better if we rent a house for a good sake. However, it's really uneasy to find it. We had so many difficulties. Mostly they rent their house for 2 years with higher cost. Honestly, it's really hard for us because we didn't have enough money to...

Monday, March 25, 2013

7:07 PM

Happy 4th Birthday, Fritz

Happy 4th Birthday, Fritz
What?! 4 years old!! No...no....please stop the time.....can't face that you're growing so fast! Today was March 25th, the day that you're waiting for this month. You count the days, every single days, from last month...last week and yesterday. So today is your birthday, boy. A day before, we talked about the process when you're born before our sleeping time. You're so excited listening minutes by minutes your presence in the world. It's 4 years ago.....how could I forgot! Today,...

Sunday, March 24, 2013

10:59 PM

Preschool : Letter Z

Preschool : Letter Z
Fritz is currently 47 months 3 weeks Finally, we came up to the end of the alphabet. Not really much we did as I needed time to prepare some stuffs for the new term and for his coming birthday.  Letter Y We continued the letter Y worksheets that hadn't finished yet last week. Beginning letter sound of X and Y Circle the beginning sound of letter Y Color by following the order Connects the dots Again, connect the letter dots Trace lower y Counting...