Fritz's 2nd flu - Lievell

Monday, February 8, 2010

Fritz's 2nd flu

The weather is not really friendly nowadays. In a day, we can see heavy rain and feel the hot sun together. It seems like they change their shift as in the supermarket or in the boutiques and they do it in a short time. So many people get sick with this condition. Hot sunny day in the morning, then a few hour we can see a really dark sky and it's going to be a heavy rain with big thunder and lighting. Gee...what a bad weather!!

Besides, I admitted that Fritz was lack of napping time in a day. He must accompany his mom to work and in the work area mostly the students have a coughing and flu together. We have to face it and I thought Fritz has a strong immune to fight with it. With my full day of teaching, no wonder his defense was falling down. He got flu!

I felt so terrible as a mom. His schedule time was so messy. He didn't get good enough sleep in a day and sometimes he just ate only for a few spoon. Then he should stay awake until his mom finished with her job. (He isn't a person who can get easily sleep in every condition, he prefers to stay awake and sleep in his lovely belonging bed).

It's a week since last Monday. He got a little fever and I gave him Tempra twice in a day and night. I wait for the morning sun but I didn't such a lucky person. Mr Sun always hides behind the clouds (like the song we always sing, Fritz). So until now, he still gets flu. I still confuse whether should I bring him to the doctor or not?

That I know flu is a virus and just need a treatment not a medicine to cure it. It's a week, should I worry? God help me to decide...what should I do?

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