Gathering at Popo's house - Lievell

Monday, August 15, 2011

Gathering at Popo's house

There's a time when we had to memorize our beloved person that has passed away for few years ago. My mother in law and her mom, both of them had been left by her husband for quite long time. They still prayed for them to memorize. I, ac

tually, didn't know exactly what it's the name as it's a Chinese tradition. That I know, every year we have to gather in this occasional to remember my husband's Dad and Grandpa. *bad in law* ^^

This year was different from few years ago. It's used to be only the main members such as my mom in law and her three sons and their fam. That afternoon, one of my mother in law's brother was coming with his family. He's so friendly and kind person and also with his wife. I love this partner as they're still holding hand together through
some difficult days they pass. I love their spirit!

He joined with us to spend some time gathering in my mom in law's house. We had simple lunch and the children played together. And it's time for us to say good bye. My husband delivered them to the nearby bus station as they went home with bus. {2 adults and 3 kiddos}. They live very far enough, in Cibinong and they came with bus. It took an hour in Sunday. I felt pity on them especially with the kiddos but I also couldn't help a lot. Just need time to let us move out from this situation.

Somehow, we have to face some difficult days and really need a big heart to face it. Every thing happen in this world is made us tough to pass our days. Don't ever think that our problem is big and hard to solve. We can solve it but maybe need time to get up and show it that we're able.....

God bless us, everyone!!

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